and did the progress go away if/when the Protopic was discontinued?  Also, is it safe to use this underneath and near the eye area?  I ask because this is becoming my last hope, as the pigment beneath my eyes is nearly completely gone, and it has me feeling sick and very, very depressed.  :(  In the morning it looks MUCH worse, as the white areas are BRIGHT white (I suspect from my eyes getting puffy during sleep)....but aside from my derm telling me nothing can be done (including her not wanting to prescribe Protopic to try), I am desperate to try SOMETHING, as the way this looks is ruining my life, and makeup is not really cutting it anymore, at least not as well as it was (and I use the good quality, MAC stuff daily).  The derm only told me that laser may be an option to even out the overall pigment, but these areas are SO white that I don't see how tht could possibly improve anything and it's expensive (as a single mom, I sure don't have tht kind of money)..would appreciate any and all input very much and thank you!

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  • I've used protopic on my eye lid for a good 6 months with no apparent ill effect.  Be careful NOT to get it in your eye though.  It happened to me a few times (yea clumsy i know) and it stings!   I also used it in the corner of my mouth and on my lips where I have two spots.  My dermatologist says it's OK to use around the mouth and on the lips and I trust him.  I was still a bit apprehensive and worry about inadvertent ingestion so I did a quick search and found that it actually has an oral application to alleviate oral lichen planus.   Nonetheless, as a general precaution, oral use of protopic is not recommended.   Good luck in your endeavor to finding a great dermatologist! 

    • Thank you Craig!!!  I am actually kind of excited for a change in trying something (especially with spring/summer right around the corner) that may actually repigment these areas!! I will admit that I am nervous as anyone who is trying something new (I always worry, "will this make this WORSE instead of better?!)  But at this point, I am willing to try it and just see what happens.  Sick of stressing over my "caspar" look all the time, and it's especially prominent under and near my's honestly so noticable even with makeup that I am stressing out all the time about even going to work at my part-time job....which is VERY brightly lit and makes me extremely self-conscious (I suspect I would feel that way even if it were NOT for this issue but it def. doesn't help at all, those lights are AWFUL)...that being said, I bought cigarettes this afternoon, and was CARDED before the cashier rung me which was an AWESOME feeling!!!  lol!!!  He was young enough to be my son, as he was easily half my age!!!  NICE!!! 

  • Hi Tina !!! :) :) Protopic works great for vitiligo on the face !!! Give a minimum of 3 months before you see any result !!!! Apply twice a day - morning and night !!! Go for the OINTMENT instead of the cream !!!! A little sunbathing early in the morning will help too !!! Vitamin B12 1000 mcg a day + folic acid 800 mcg a day is known to be good for "us" !!! AND, YES, LOOK FOR A NEW DOCTOR !!!! Good luck !!! :)   

    • thank you both so much Nadika and Amanda!!  I agree, I need a new derm/doc.....I cannot believe that skin doctors are so unfamiliar with this....and refuse to believe "nothing can be done." 

  • First of all, tell your dermatologist I said she sucks. LOL! I'm sorry, but my first dermatologist told me nothing could be done and it ruined me. I seriously feel like his lack of knowledge contributed to how much my Vitiligo has spread. First things first, GET A NEW DERMATOLOGIST. Go to to start looking for new ones near you. I would then call their office and ask if they are taking new patients, and if they are, what is their experience working with treatment for Vitiligo. You'll be able to tell how knowledgeable they are because you've been doing plenty of research yourself. Sorry to be so blunt about it but I am a strong believer that there are things that can help. We might not have a cure yet, but we are working towards it. If a doctor says there is no hope, then the obviously are ill informed on the current research. I will never let a fellow Viti feel hopeless ever again!

    Now on to Protopic. I started using Protopic in July. For about two months before that I was using Dr. Wanakee's Herbal Vitiligo Skin Cream. It made a tiny amount of repigmetnation under my right eye. Once I started using my Protopic my repigmentation took off on my face. I don't know how much of the Herbal Skin Cream contributed to my pigmentation, but I don't think it was much. I have next to zero repigmentation on my arms/hands. It has only worked around my eyes. I use Protopic right under my lids because that is one of the last places around my eyes that needs pigmentation. I don't touch that area afterwards. However, I have rubbed my eyes in my sleep and my eyes do get kind of itchy. I've never had any burning though. Hope that helps!

    • Thanks Amanda, that does help a lot!  If I could get pigment back under my eyes, I would indeed be a happy camper!!  It bothers me soooo much, especially in the mornings, as it looks like I fell asleep in the sun with sunglasses on!  Creepy looking, to say the least, but I am getting used to seeing myself this way, strange as it sounds, it's just I would give anything to look the way I USED to, if that makes any sense. 

      Anyhow, aside from finding a new derm, in the meantime (unfortunately I do not have health insurance at present), I plan to order Protopic from a Canadian pharmacy that does not require a prescription and am actually excited about trying it!  The rest of the depigmented areas (lower arms, fingers, etc,.) does not bother me or trouble me NEARLY as much as this does, since it is right there on my face for all to see and it's frankly embarrassing.  I hate walking around wondering if people are staring at me, I will never get used to that part.    I don't even think about my lower arms or hands since I am so light it's really not that noticable (of course it is to ME, but I digress)...but it doesn't really make me self-conscious that much.  Plus I could always try a self-tanner, which I would never be brave enough to try on my face, I have visions of looking even WORSE being orange with spots instead of white with MUCH WHITER spots!! 

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