
  • Chris

    I am using protopic and UVB. My repigmentation started at about 7wks but I have also eliminated dairy and meat and most (but not all) processed foods...cant kick the wine though! My face cleared up pretty quick except teh circle around teh lips but that seems ot be progressing well. I am also seeing freckles in all of my spots, and they are huge spots, except for my feet which are 95% white now. I have not had any treatment before ever and after 30yrs I am making progress so you shoudl have great hope for your daughter as it must be relatively new. Maybe ask your derm about a combo UVB and Protopic?

    good luck my heart goes out to your daughter but I am sure there will be a cure before her teens


    • Did you have it around your eyes? Just wondering because my daughter and I'm not sure how to treat. When I put on the eye protection it covers up the spots that need treating.
      • I use the protopic around eyes.  It really works well.  I've never tried uvb, but based on your post I looked on ebay.  I'm going to speak with my derm about getting one. 


    • Just re-read... don't kick the wine!  It makes it all seem more manageable!!
    • OOHHH!  I hope there will be a cure that soon!  That would be great!


  • I've had great luck with protopic for my daughter, but only on the face.  Two spots were gone very quickly, the stubborn "circle" around her lips has been slower, but I'm winning the battle... so far.  I have pretty much quit protopic everywhere else b/c she has so many spots everywhere else and I've not heard good things about the results on other body parts.  I have not tried UVB, but am interested in your experience!  Please do share!  My daugher was diagnosed at 6, but the spots showed up at 5. 
    • I will keep you updated on her progress. How fast did your daughter progress? Seems like mine is doing it slow but more spots are slowly starting to appear. She has grown 1 1/2 in two months. I think that has something to do with it. My Facebook id is if you want to send me a friend request. I don't post pics or certain other details here because of privacy.
      • I just sent you a request.  Are you asking how fast the vitiligo progressed or how fast repigmentation occured?  The vitiligo, for us, seems to spread super fast in the summer, and then slow down in winter.  My daugher's hands, feet, knees, armpits and elbows are quite "spotted."  I have fought the spots on her face, so far I have been successful.  Two spots appeared by her eyes, like tear drops.  They showed up after we spent a lot of time outside in extreme heat at my oldest son's baseball tournament.  I began treatment of them right away with protopic and they went away very quickly.  Then last winter she developed the circle around the perimeter of her lips.  I also started treating that with protopic, and it has taken much longer, but it is going away.  She also has a spot under her chin that I"ve been treating, it is shrinking... I think!  The rest of her spots cover such a large area that I have not used protopic on them for a quite some time.  That is why I'm interested in your UVB light.  It may be a better option for the rest of her.  But maybe not, I'm not really sure!
        • You doing what I'm wanting to do. Find something that works, like the protopic on your daughters face, and hit the spots as I see them. I bought a Woods uv lamp off ebay for 45.00> GOOD Investment. Since my daughter is fair skinned it shows them before I can noticed them with my eye. I will keep you updated on her progress...... If you look at the pics on my facebook my Daughter Cora ( shes the oldest at 4) has the vitiligo. There is a pic where her and her little sister is sharing a corndog and you can notice it around her eyes. You can only notice it at certain times.Weird. If she is sleepy pink circles below her eyes show up. Sometimes after a bath you can't even notice.

  • Protopic - usually after about 3 months. Sometimes before. Depends on the size of the spots and where you have it. On the face, Protopic works better.
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