how does vitiligo look and feel on lips/mouth area ??

Hi guys ! im new the page and have been finding it hard to speak to anyone about what i suspect to be vitiligo . My mum had a small patch of vitiligo appear on her neck when she was about 45 , she has never had any more spots . I'm 36 and went to Florida last April about a month after coming home i noticed a few tiny white spots on the inside of my lips/mouth area these are smooth on the skin but feel a little tingly (the way your mouth feels after eating an orange) if that makes sense ?? I also feel as though i can feel my skin on my face tingle at times . Can you feel vitiligo ??

   I have read the inside of the mouth is one of the most common areas for vitiligo ?? I feel a bit in denial and don't want to speak to my mum as i know she'll be very upset :-(

Donna x

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  • No, you cannot feel vitiligo. I have it on my mouth, eyelids, ears, etc and it's only the pigmentation that is different. If you "feel" it, it's probably anxiousness. Cheers.

    If you want to learn A LOT more about vitiligo I recommend you Picardo & Taïeb's "Vitiligo", it's on Springer.

  • Hi Donna, My vitiligo was hereditary, i also have 2 sisters both with vitiligo, they have never felt the the tingles you describe, but i have, for the first time this year ??? But thats not to say you have vitiligo. personally for me the patches slowly appear over 2 or 3 years...the darker skin slowly fades. have you looked at these areas under a ultraviolet light ? chances are its probably not vitiligo, but if it is.....don't worry there are lots of things you can do to help it, and i personally believe a cure for vits is on the horizon

    Be happy and keep smiling, 


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