How do you stand protopic on your face!!!??

There is no way I can go to work, or anywhere for that matter, with protopic on my face! It,s just a shiny disgusting mess and I'm not sure which I find more complexing : my vitiligo or my shiny disgusting face. So I've decided to apply elidel in the morning. It's a cream as opposed to an ointment. And at night I apply protopic. I know that Elidel is less potent than protopic but I figure it's better than just applying protopic once a day.

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  • Now see...this just makes me want to cry because I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. How am I supposed to help myself when I don't even understand how to go about helping myself? I'm told one thing but then another from someone else.

    I just want to do what is best...that is what gives me the best chances repigmentation and / or slow down the depigmentation process (preferably the former than the later).

    can you explain this : "and the answers came down to, the more you can get on your body, it'll affect more of your body sooner, the least you put on the longer it takes."

    Are you talking about the vitiligo or the effects of using protopic?
    • i'm talking about using any cream on your body.

      go thru the discussion on here and see what other people have had to say about their usage. it varies a bit from person to person...

      dont be disheartened.

  • Marty BlackEagle-Carl - thanks for your reply but that is actually completely the opposite of what I have been reading which states that states that protopic is a localised immunosupressant. It acts directly on the areas where it is applied and is not absorbed in the blood.

    Just curious where or from whom you obtained that information?

    Thanks for your response.
    • 3 years of study on here talking with people who have been using protopic and other such treatments, and also going thru depigmentation for the last 2 yrs.

      the pigment cells are relatively deep in the skin, but the cappilaries reach them.... 

      thats what you can spread creams on the places you can reach, and it will affect the places you cannot, such as your back, private and sensitive ares (armpits, lips, eyelids).

      i know what they say, we've had this discussion on here off and on for years. i talk with the people who have been using it, not the so called experts.

      also, you have to keep using it... many people who have stopped for a few months or so then started back up, it had lost it's effectiveness... like the body developed antibodies to it.

      when my vit first made itself known and i was deciding which treatment to try, i read a lot of the discussions on here to see how others have made out with the various treatments, which ones do what, how the apply it, etc...

      and the answers came down to, the more you can get on your body, it'll affect more of your body sooner, the least you put on the longer it takes.

  • Dont put it on your face. Protopic works thru the bloodstream, not at point of contact... so if you put it on other parts of your body (say, parts covered by clothing, legs, arms...), it will soak in and your blood carries it to all points of your body, not just one location.

    Good luck.

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