How Do You Explain Vitiligo To Children?

Good day,

I was confronted the other day by my 7 year old cousin as to why im two different colors. I still havent thought of a simple explanation for kids to understand. Any ideas as to how I can explain this? Also Id like to explain to my 4 year old niece.

(full story



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  • Honestly and completely.  Once kids have an understanding of something they accept it and move on.  Say, "It is called vitiligo.  My body fights the color of my skin in certain places.  It doesn't hurt me, just makes me look special!"  

  • Suggestion from Dr. Ben:

    "These days, whenever children ask me about my white spots, I typically ask them if they know of any animals that have white spots, say, those that emit "moos" or dogs that live at fire halls. As soon as their eyes answer yes, I explain that I'm the same way, that I have white spots here and there, but that they don't hurt, that that this is just the way that I am, just like some animals. And as soon as they understand this, I see in their eyes that I am nothing unusual to them ..."

    More at

    • "...Adults really are the same as children in this regard. Even those who stare at first and appear to be a bit uncomfortable, wondering if what I have is contagious - once they see that I'm comfortable with who I am, it seems that they become more comfortable with who I am..."

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