Homeopaths and Acupuncture

In my continued endeavor to cover all my basis as it concerns autoimmune disease, I had my initial appointment with a trusted homeopathic doctor and acupuncturist. We dove into many many questions as they related not only my physical health but my mental and emotional health as well. She had many interesting points that I had never really thought of. At the end of the day her assumption is that my liver is my main problem (as well as an elusive issue with my heart rate.) Anyways I am going to pick up my homeopathic prescription on Monday, but currently I am prescribed by a doctor to use Advair for my asthma along with albuterol and pro topic and clobetasol for my vitiligo and dermatitis. The homeopath is really urging me to get off the topical steroids and to wean off of the lung medications. I've been on some of these meds for over 25 years now! I know she has dealt with these issues for a long time, and ultimately it would be my dream to get off the medications totally but I am in a little bit of fear of how this process will work. If anybody has any experience with this issue I'd love to hear your experience. Thanks for reading and I hope you are having an excellent weekend. 

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  • Maria,

    Thanks for sharing your experience and approach. Sounds like your homeopath might be on to something. I do know that homeopathy takes weeks , if not months, to show effects. That is not a bad thing. Typically, the body effectively heals itself when given half a chance. I wouldn't advise you to go against a doctors advice, but it seems to me that mainstream doctors throw medications around without knowing the full long term effect of the drugs. I accept that it may be coincidental, but with me, my v symptoms began when certain mainstream drug prescriptions were prescribed to me. I have no way of knowing if they were the cause, but I don't typically believe in "coincidences," lol.
    I hope your homeopathic treatments work for you!

    • Maria,  it's always good to try a new treatment.  Specially homeopathy, that usually does not have much side effect.

      However,   don't stop things that have been working for you, even if slowly (if that is the case).

      Doctors don't know much about this disease, since they don't have time and motivation to research it (like we do).

  • Many years ago I tried with homeopath, but I didn't see any effects. Now I am taking Ginkgo Biloba and there are coming some repigmentation points. I started to have a Ginkgo Biloba infusion on 4th of July and in 2 weeks I started to see some repigmentation points. I don´t know how it will go in the future, but at the moment it goes well. On the other hand, 4 weeks ago I started with acupuncture, so if I notice any difference I will tell you.

    Sorry for my english, but I don´t know speak in this language very well. I am studying to improve it.

    • Hello Maria and Joe!

      I just read in these articles that Ginkgo Biloba has also negative effects:

      Health concerns, cancer in rats and mice:


      and to combat the above findings due to unrealistic testing methods:


      I wonted to share with you, before deciding if you want to start or no taking this infusion.

      Best regards,


      • Ainara, in my protocol compilation I never had Ginkgo Biloba there.  I never considered it there because I always heard some people complaining and some other supporting it.  I try to stick with the common sense.  So far,  I consider grape seed extract instead of Ginko Biloba. They are different, but both are natural anti-oxidants.  Check it out.

    • Hi Ainara,

      Thanks for sharing your experience; Personally, I don't feel ginko could do any harm, so I think I will give that a try, too. I have heard of other people benefiting from it, too. Good luck! (and , yes, your English is fine!)

    • Thank you so much for your experience. I too started Ginko Baloba and see some freckling on my patches on my hands. I really think it is the supplement. Yes keep me posted on your progress with acupuncture and I'll keep you updated with mine. Your English is fine!!!

  • It's true that liver (toxicity) may be linked to vitiligo as well as, hypothyroidism, hashimoto disease, celiac disease, leaky gut, dysbiosis (candida, yeast, h-pylori, parasites), adrenal fatigue, lead contamination.   Those exceptional causes can be anyone's vitiligo root cause.  However, usually the root vitiligo causes are related to oxidative stress and physical traumas and friction.

    Regarding Protopic,  I think Doctor should not advice you to get off it, since it really helps vitiligo.

    Have a great weekend too.

    • Flavio, you have some mixed facts here. Much of what you said is valid, but you cannot state that "usually" V is caused by such and such. The studies are not conclusive, not extensive, and very varied in their conclusions. What causes or heals the vitilgo disorder in one person, may not necessarily apply to others. It is also not wise to advise someone to take or stop taking a medicine prescribed by a doctor; very few of these medicines are understood. Positive results could be coincidental.  It's a personal choice for people if they want to take the risk of drug therapy. Obvious if there was a successful drug, we would all be taking it and this site would not exist. It always distressing to me when I read well meaning people spread dis-information connected to their personal experiences with vitiligo. It helps no one.
       That being said, I think one of the things you may be correct with, is the liver toxicity connection; liver issues often seem to be a common link to v disorders; there may be something there.

      • I keep saying that there are different types of vitiligo.  The one that I've been studying a lot is the non-segmental one  (the most common).  The one that is symmetrical, generalized, that spreads a lot and usually appears on knees, feet, hands, face, wrist and elbows.  If yours is like this,  I may help you suggesting some good source of info like: www.researchforvitiligo.com and www.vitiligomap.com.  There are too much good information there that has been put together for so many years.

        If you really read it, willing to understand every single word,  please let me know if any doubt still remains.  By the end of the day, you will realize what I've been trying to show/say.

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