I was always a quiet person who stayed too myself and I always avoided attention or trouble, But after having Vitiligo I've become more outgoing, Before Vitiligo people would never approach me about anything.I couldn't even give people the time of day.And then like magic Vitiligo has brought me outta my shell, I'm more open to people now and I show more compassion to others. I have always been a good person but now because of my Vitiligo I'm a even better person. It seems like since my Vitiligo started in 1983 it's sparked a positive change in my life more people are coming to me asking me about my Vitiligo and because of this I'm actually making more friends because of it, Of course there's still times when people stare also and that's probably never going to stop that's a part of life that you have too take the good with the bad because life is not always going to be great but then again it's not going to always be bad either, I have Vitiligo and there's nothing I can really do with it God brings us all in to this world with different problems some worst than others are we people with Vitiligo better off than a death person or a blind person it all depends on the individual himself Vitiligo is what it is and you can take it or leave for what it's worth too you. Life is short you can continue to sit here and cry about it or you can go on and live your life the choice is up too you because I know what decision I made for my life !!!!!!!!!!!!
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