
I've trying to been look up foods that can help prevent future spread of vitiligo & stuff like that, but all the websites I have found haven't been telling me anything, so does anyone know what foods would help & what foods to stay away from?

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  • Hi Haylie,

    I agree with NJ. It is easy to get caught up with concentrating on the skin.My belief is that vitiligo is caused by a systematic stress that causes hydrogen peroxide to build up in the skin. So, you need to reverse that stress by eating healthily and avoiding or reducing the things we know aren't helpful.

    Avoid deep fried foods, alcohol, margarine, processed foods like biscuits, takeaways and ready meals. Also try to reduce your sugar and salt intake. You might be allergic to gluten or yeast so try cutting out stuff like wheat based bread. Spelt seems to to be okay, so you could switch to that. 

    Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.Try to eat more raw vegetables, because cooking destroys a lot of the antioxidants that they contain. Raw honey is an excellent antioxidant and good for your overall digestive system, so try to eat a teaspoon or two every day. 

    I've helped to stabilise my vit through a combination of folic acid supplements and a daily intake of fruit and veg. There's more about healthy eating on my blog, so feel free to browse it here.

    Try new things and don't stop experimenting. 

  • try gluten free foods it might help you 

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