Help needed in buying a lamp

Hello! I have been thinking of buying a handheld nb-uvb lamp. The prices on ebay seem to fluctuate. Anyone here purchased one on ebay? If yes, what is  a good brand and a good price to pay? Any leads greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

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  • Hi,

    I am in the same problem, I do not knowo what to buy. Hopefully I will decide soon what to get and I will keep u posted.
    • Hi! I am thinking of getting the one on ebay for $70. I asked the seller why the price was so low and he said because it did not have a built in timer. Otherwise all the lamps are the same with a philips bulb and that is all that really matters. Let me know what you think.

      • Hi Preeti, I bought mine from ebay


  • I bought one for about £100 but be careful as I had to pay £43 customs tax on top.

    • Hi Julie, where did you buy it from?

  • Try calling Mr.Darshan (Krupa Medi Scan-Ahmadabad). He is dealer of UV lamps 09824406646

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