
My name is Gail and I have 3 kids. I'm originally from Haiti and I live in miami since the earthquake and right after that my daughter started having white patches on her face, right in the middle but on the left side from the forehead to under the eye to the mouth (she's dark skin). Not knowing what would be the cause, after many visits to many dermatolgists she was diagnosed with focal vitiligo. She is 3 1/2 years old and nobody in the family has vitiligo. We started the laser treatments, it's been 10-11 months now, and there is big improvements. Only that the insurance is refusing to pay, I appealed twice and thinking on appealing a third time and this time it's with the State. I'm not too sure, I need a good letter to convince them. If you could help me out I'd appreciate it.

Also I'm looking for alternate treatments, the creams I don't like them too much. After some research, I found out that the protopic can cause skin cancer after a long time use, with the other cream (psolaren) where u have to stay under the sun for a certain time, she is too small to stay still and frankly it's kind of annoying. Basically, the laser is the safest so far but it costs a lot plus the driving for 2-3 times a week and from where I live it's 30 min by car. Let's not talk about the time it takes everytime u go with all the patients and everything. Fortunately I work at home so I can manage. Then I saw the phototherapy, I'm wonderin if it's really good. My doctor said she has patients who have it and don't complain, they see results but it takes longer than the laser plus after a long time use there's a risk of skin cancer ... Is it true? I'm kind of exhausted going there 3 times and I want the best for my daughter and I don't want to put her at risk for anything, not cancer not anything.

I could use ur advice. Thank you

I attached 2 pictures of her, one at the very beginning and the other not too long ago



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  • I would try pro topic. I have found it very effective and your derm will not let you sue it long term. I started seeing results afterr about 6 weeks
    • Our derm did prescribe us the protopic but I talked to a patient who used it and she also does the pharos and she said it once got into her eye and it burned so much she had to go to the emergency. And my daughter has it around her left eye and I really don't want this to happen. She moves a lot and when I put the alclometasone, it goes often in her eye but fortunately it doesn't do anything, I just wipe it off.


      But for how long have u used it and for how long will u use it? Do you only do the protopic or combine with something else? My husband is so afraid using it because of that cancer thing

      • I have been using it now for about 8-10 weeks and my derm said it is ok for 6-12months but no more. I combine with sunlight when I can and I will use the UVB when winter comes. I only apply at night and if I use the UVB I use it in the evening so it is nearly 24hrs after teh cream. My derm says its safe although they dont recommend UVB with it. It has shown such great results for me that I will keep going for at elast 6months and then see
  • that is very good improvement...my 3 year old daughter also has vitiligo on her right side of face only(forehead, eyebrow and lip). it started six months ago...currently we are using elidel(no improvement but not spreading)...and doctor said after one month..he will start on excimer laser...

    i have few questions

    (1) did u start with cream first

    (2)after how long laser treatment started? is it excimer with combination of cream.

    (3) How long should we give laser treatment.

    I really hope she recovers. god bless. Thanks in advance.



    • I only use the alclometasone  dipropionate cream USP 0.05% once a day in the morning which is harmless for as long u can use it and I go to the derm. 3 times a week but when she gets burned (some blisters) I wait until she heals but I still put the alclmetasone because it helps with the healing and start again with the derm.

      When she gets burned, as bad as it looks, the pigmentation comes faster, it starts with a tiny dot then it starts becoming bigger and bigger so at least she benefits from the burning! I bought a cooling gel (solarcaine) when she's red to cool it off a little bit and I also use the mupirocin (like an antibiotic/neosporin) when she scratches the blister causing a superficial wound.

      We use the excimer laser 308 (something like that) and we're in our between 60 and 70ish treatment and started seeing results after 3 to 4 months treatment then once the pigmentation starts, it spreads fast. We've been doing this laser treatment for about 10 to 11 months now and I can't wait until this end.

      • thank u gail for the reply. i am also waiting to start her on laser. dr only concern is she just turned 3 yrs and

        to wait one or two  more months...to start laser. hope this does not make it worse.

        please do post the progress..i will do the same once we are on laser treatment and start to see any progress...

        thanks again...


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