
Hello Everyone!

My name is Joseph! I am currently living in Fayetteville, Arkansas in the South Central United States. I was recently diagnosed with Vitilgo and I have a lot to learn about it. My face is substantially depigmented and my neck is increasinly more blotchy. I have some other random "polka dots" here and there. My face burns very easily in the sun. I was very excited to find this site. I am here just hoping to meet and talk to some other people about Vitilgo. Honestly, I am not exactly sure the impact it will have on me. It is, certainly, not the worst thing to ever happen to me physically. I consider myself lucky to be alive several times over for other reasons. However, vitiligo seems it will make its mark on me!

Y tamien hablo Espanol pero, lo siento, nunca apprendi a escriber mucho! Apprendi hablando y conviviendo con mis amigos!

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  • Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for friending me. How are you?

    I'm so happy you liked my video (and bloopers)! :P I'm trying hard to make informative but smile-worthy videos so people with or without vitiligo can better understand what it is, the ins and outs of having it, and the fact that we CAN life happy lives through acceptance and self-love - as absolutely cheesy as that sounds!



  • Hey, Bienvenido al site! Espero que estes bien..Just for you to practice ur spanish. I have had vit for 10 years even though I'm fair skinned, during the summer it shows a lot more. Mine started in one hand and over the years it has spread all over. This year it is showing a litle around my eyes and under my lips. Been to many doctors and tried many things, even travelled overseas with no luck. Now I just use self-tanning lotions which have work better than anything else... Don't despair and just accept it. I wear my shorts and t-shirts and don't care what other people see. ..Take care


  • Hi Joseph,

    I am using Protopic on my face as well. Works well on the face but it is expensive and my insurance doesn't cover the cost of it. I go in for xcimer laser treatments twice a week and always ask the nurses if they can give me samples of Protopic so I don't have to buy it. The manufacturer also has a $40 off coupon...ask your dermatologist.

  • Hi! Nice to meet you!  Protopic has repigmented my face too. However, it's terribly expensive unless you have good insurance.

  • welcome and I am sure you will learn a lot from members who are constantly looking for ways to help our disease. There are sue good treatments now. Try Protopic for your face...it regimented mine in about 2-3 months last year and has stayed ever since. It works well on face but less so n more extreme body parts such as hands and feet. I have adopted a vegan diet and take supplements and have some great success. Good luck!

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