
Hi, new here and absolutely delighted to find this space for people with this very very weird condition...not a disease but all the same has the power to wreck your life. I have had it since almost 20 years now (had it since I was 17). It was a small, rather insignificant patch on the forehead which expanded into other areas which were thankfully not very visible. Having granted me my youth, vitiligo returned to claim a good part of my post-30 years. It has been a battle since. I have been undergoing UV A/B treatment off and on. The routine of the therapy drains you mentally although it is not at all unpleasant or anything. So easy to just let it be after a while...also met some people who advised me to get a full bleaching done if it spread too much.


Anyway, presently this is what my very accomplished doctor is advising me:

UVB- 4 times a week with increasing intensities.

UVA- once a week after taking meds.

a corticosteroid injection once in 4 weeks.

Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% on affected patches in visible areas at bedtime

Desonide cream alternatingly with another ointment called Vitix that has melon-extract daily.

Methylcobalamin and folic acid all in one tablet daily

Vitamin, Biotin, Inositol, Lysine and Minerals all in one capsule daily

Zinc Sulphate tablets.


Its working guys...and although this (UV therapy) is not going to the root of the problem (which we dont really know do we?) I believe it is the only guaranteed way to suppress the condition.

I would really like to hear how you all deal with the psychological aspects of this condition... thanks and have a wonderful new year.

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