Having a Hard Time...

As I have said before this whole Vit. thing is new to me, actually I had slight pigment loss before and my complexion returned.  Anyway  this morning before work, I couldn't find my makeup. I felt like crying, quitting my job,and just crawling back into bed. Having vit on my face has taken me for an emotional rollercoaster ride, and sometimes i just want to get off!  I read some messages on the website and everyone seems so strong.  I hope that my time will come, but today, I'm just having a hard time........ 

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  • We will all struggle with this condition. Maybe a mental health day from work is what you need. I suspect that we all have people who support us even when we do not cover our vit with makeup. Sometimes I don't wear makeup on purpose. Don't beat yourself up but allow yourself to have these feelings. I am new to the vit diagnosis as well and I too have it on my face and my future is unknown too as to how it will appear. I had a breakdown one day last week at work but my friend and co-worker told me that she will love me no matter what. We all have to deal with people staring and the pigment changes. Your strength will be better on some days than it will be on others. Just remember, be yourself and be true to the person you are and this too will pass.
  • Lisa:
    I understand your situation 100% COMPLETELY. Please have COMPLETE FAITH in topical medicine. Facial vitiligo is completely curable, especially on the eyelid, that too initial stages. There are hundreds of success stories. Either go thru internet research or go to a local university library that carries Dermatological publications.

    We applied Protopic and Cutivate. Protopic 2 times a day and Cutivate on the weekend. Lots of docs don't suggest any steriod for eyelid...but, mild strengh is OKAY. We did it. So, my SINCERE suggestion is to try the medicine first with full faith, give it a try first. Good Luck.
    • Steroids over time thin your skin and pose some health risks, they do work wonders though, but for recurring vitiligo I wouldn't recommend them
    • Thank you so much for your encouragement. I would not wish vitiligo on anyone, but I am so thankful not to be alone with this disease. By the way I wrote the medications down, and I'm going to suggest them to my doctor, imagine that, me suggesting medicines to him.
      • Just a couple of points for additional clarity.

        The mantra that seem to work is: Protopic as the main cream PLUS a mild steroid for a limited period (like 2 or 3 weeks). Then, stop steriod, meaning continue Protopic ONLY for all 7 days. Again, few weeks/months later, apply steriod again.....This is done mainly beause, derm observes signs of atrophy (thinning of skin). Protopic has been found to be safe.

        There are several steriods(cutivate or Apexicon or Halobestol, with varying strengths. Only Derm can decide which steroid will fit, depending on the location of vit on human body. For example, on eyelid, very very mild strength required. Where as on bony parts like, elbows, knees, ankle, higher strength can be used......
  • Hi Lisa,

    The very first vitiligo spot that I ever got was on my face (eye lids) at 4-5 years old. Somehow, they repigmented naturally as a child but during the time that they were depigmented, people would comment on how lovely it was that my mom put eyeshadow on me.

    As a teenager, my vitiligo started rapidly spreading all over my body and face. I tried to cover it up with makeup for about two years and then it became too hard for me to hide.

    It's now spread all over my body and the only place where I still have natural pigment is on my face!

    There are days where I still get emotional about how I currently look. It's understandable to have hard days because we live in a society where we are judged harshly by our appearance.

    Remember that everyone is at a different place in this journey with vitiligo. You can lean on any of us for strength!
  • hi lisa i totally understand what you are coming through coz i'm having vitiligo over my eye leds so you know eyeshadow is a holy thing it really took me time to find the perfect color.i will not till you not to panic coz you will but all i can say try to adapt and know you are not alone .and never forget that this will not be your last hard time.by the way my vitligo is 15 years old and i'm trying to enjoy life
    • Thank you so much for your encouragement. I wouldnt wish this on anyone, but I am so glad that I am not alone.
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