Have You Seen This? News From Today: catalase

This article is about gray hair... but relies on new research about vit! Here is a short section from the article:

"In a new study, researchers analyzed skin biopsies of a group of people suffering from vitiligo and discovered that patients had low levels of an enzyme called catalase, which helps break down hydrogen peroxide and relieve oxidative stress.

Researchers then treated vitiligo patients with a cream containing a ‘pseudo-catalase,’ which can be activated by sunlight. After patients applied the cream, and spent time in the sun, pigment returned in both their skin and eyelashes."

The full article can be found here:


Anyone knows anything more about this?


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  • I just realized PC-KUS stands for PseudoCatalase - Karin U Schallreuter

    While I do not know whether or not the cream is effective, I am grateful that she is conducting research in this area.

    After reading some of her research, maybe our body's immune system is not attacking itself, but instead  

    maybe people with vitiligo are producing less catalase to break down the hydrogen peroxide in the skin.

    • Yes according to her theory it is hydrogen peroxide....but her product has been on trial and sell for many years, you have to be her patient to get the cream.....I have tried it and many others ...it doesn`t help as she claimed . 


      Other reaserchers has conformed that vitiligo is autoemune condition where our antibody is attacking pigment cells...The oxcidative stress on skin may trigg vitiligo ..


      • has anybody tried pseudocatalase PC-KUS?  any success or lack of it?

        what makes you repigment in the dead sea?  how long does it take to regiment?  and then how quickly is does the pigment go away?

        where is Dr.  Schallreuter located?  

        seems like everyone and their mother has a theory about what causes vililigo and how to "cure" it.  but like DJ said I am very grateful that research is being done.  NEVER LOSE HOPE and always seem "cautiously" optimistic.

  • The PC-KUS formula is not out yet. Its patented

  • This article it's actually the reason why I found this amazing website, but yes I also did some research and apparently it's not really available as there hasn't been a lot of research done on it.

  • Look up Professor Schallreuter, she's been using this for years now.

    • Yes This is not new product , PCKUS has been tried by many ..it doesn`t help as claimed ,there has been many critics on this product , now the professor comes with new theory of helping gray hair to get more attention from vitiligo suffers and sell to new customers. This product has been sold for many years while it is under trial .why it is not approved by NHS yet...I don`t have trust on it ..I have tried it.

      • dashed my hopes, that arcticle made my day but now i'm back to where i was hopeless. can't get any answers. it seems like nobody gives a SHIT. as long as their pockets are lined. playing with our EMOTIONS!!!!!!


        • Same here! the only hope i have is that mutant gene that helped the mice they tested but who knows how long it's gonna take for that to come out.

        • Yeah... I was on a high for a while after I found the article... and now back to low...

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