have you heard of PLACENTREX???

As I was searching on vit I found this information "An Update on New and Emerging Options for the Treatment of Vitiligo: Phenylalanine and Placentrex®". I have NEVER heard of PLACENTREX before, have you??? It seems like it's an extract from human placenta, something similar to what they use in Cuba on the Melagenina. This is the link to the article: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/572346_14 I tried to check where can I (we) get it? but I couldn't find any information. It seems like in India... If anyone finds a site or some information on this, please, post it!!! I would like to try it!!!

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  • You might be able to buy it from here


    Type in 'placentrex' into the search box at the top right
  • Source: http://www.skintherapyletter.com/download/stl_13_2.pdf

    Phenylalanine and Placentrex®
    L-phenylalanine is an inhibitor of cytolitic antibodies and supports the stimulation of melanin synthesis and the migration of melanocytes from healthy to depigmented skin by solar radiation. A retrospective study of 193 patients treated with oral (50mg/kg or 100 mg/kg daily) and topical (10% gel) phenylalanine, followed by sun exposure, showed a total overall improvement rate of 56.7%, with 90.3% for the face, 42.8% for the trunk, and 37.1% for the limbs. The authors suggested that the higher percentage of total healing for the face could be due to the association of phenylalanine use and radiation from the sun.38 Another novel agent is topical human placental extract (Placentrex®, Albert David Ltd.), which promotes melanin synthesis by supplying the amino acid, tyrosine, as well as encouraging copper tyrosinase linkage. The efficacy of dermabrasion combined with Placentrex® gel was 23.3% at 4 months and 46.7% at 6 months.32
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