Hi guys..I was just wondering if anyone has had any success or know of any success with using anti-vitiligo and combining it with natural sunlight in moderation. Or has anyone had a derm work with them giving them topical psoralen and exposing the affected are to the sun? thanks all...good luck...stay strong...together we can get through this...

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  • Mike,

    I did the Psorelen when i was early teens. Initally with artificial light ( home made light box) but then i decided to try natural UV. Bad results. Severe second degree burns blisters originally the size of ping pong ballls, and then 3 months of burn treatment, debriding etc.
    It was my fault. I knew i was pushing the envelope. But hey i was 12 or 13 at the time.
    My only real success came about 12 years into having Vit ( age20) when for whatever reason the oldest patches repogmented. I attribute it to hormone chnages. But i will admit i was on a VERY high protein diet at the time.
    best of luck.
    I now live at 7000 ft. The UV is intense but my skin does not burn like it did when i was younger.

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