Has Anyone Tried 23andme?

I singed up for 23andme long ago. Its a service that analyses and profiles your genes. Based on the genetic makeup they indicate how likely you are to get Vitligo. 

Me and my brother have very similar genetic makeup (especially with respect to Vitligo gene research). He has vitiligo I am beginning to think that its purely my  diet and habits. 

What do you guys think?

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  • I think your right. My story doesn't add up that I got  it from my genetics. I have one distance cousin. No parents or Grandparents or siblings or first cousin have it. I would just add stress to the diet and habits.

    I also think it's possible that contact with some unknown substance plays a part. It's weird that when I got Vitiligo part of my mustache turned white. The weird part is that I did what anybody else would do and bought mustache dye. Well the dye package had a warning for people with Vit not to use because it speads the Vit?

    • Lawrence,

      After doing a 3 year vitiligo research, I realized that non-segmental vitiligo (NSV) has a logical explanation that can fit pretty much all the cases.  Even though  it looks so different from one person to another, it's not that different...

      All NSV sufferers  have the following in common:

      (a)  A genetic predisposition (primary cause): I have reasons to believe that our melanocyte (cell)  adhesion  mechanism is defective.

      (b) One or more secondary causes.  They are 3 systematic secondary causes:  (1)physical trauma/friction, (2)oxidative stress, and (3)stress hormones (emotional/psycho issues).

      (c) A trigger: It's a severe event.  Internal or external. It can have 4 facets: (1)physical, (2)emotional, (3)psychological, and (4)environmental.

      So there are some possible combinations, for example:

      (a)+(b)(1)-> triggered by (c)(1)

      (a)+(b)(2)-> triggered by (c)(2)

      (a)+(b)(1) and (b)(2)-> triggered by (c)(3)

      (a)+(b)(3)-> triggered by (c)(4)


      And many more combinations as you can see.

      When vitiligo has been triggered, the only way to avoid spreading is stopping the secondary causes (all of them).  It will not necessarily cure it, but will stabilize it.

      Last, but not least,  the main stressor that cause face patches is the physical trauma/friction (it's usually facilitated by oxidative stress and accelerated by stress hormones).  And guess how it happens? 

      When we are sleeping...  www.vitiligomap.com/mandatory.html

      • Wow, great research. I've said before on this site that I believe the cure will come from the people that have vitiligo. Sleeping makes sense. I'm going starfish style!!

        What else is interesting is that the body remembers the exact color for healing. I was born with lighter skin then I have now. It took many years of being out in the sun for my dark complexion.

        Patches turned completely white, but curing some spots with Protopic didn't require sun exposure to gradually turn the color to my current skin tone.

        Protopic basically turned the light switch from off to on again.

        In it's simplest form the cure will turn the light switch from off to back on for all vitiligo spots.

        • Protopic is very effective for face patches.  As well as short UVB-NB exposure time.

          Don't forget to work on diets.  Do allergy test and avoid allergenic food.

          Take probiotics, vitamins, anti-oxidants and trace nutrients.

          Good luck.

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