Has anyone taken a black light to their vitiligo?

I thought my cat peed, so my friend gave me a black light.  I happened upon my arm.  My vitiligo glowed like a disco ball so I looked at my other arm, face, and DH looked at my back.  It is really, really much worse than I thought.  It's all over my face and legs.  I am pretty pale naturally and knew it was around my eye, but it's around both eyes, my mouth.   

I am not sure whether to be fascinated or disturbed.  Has anyone else done this?

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  • Yes, That is how they "diagnosed" my vitiligo many years ago.  My Doctor used a Wood Light (Black Light), what disturbed me was the doctor turning off the exam room light, lol.

    Also, for many years I taught children with severe disabilities, a parent had made a giant wooden box you could climb into, inside was a black light.  We would paint objects using glow in the dark paint, kids with cortical or partial blindness could actually these objects, they loved it.  Well..... they could also see my vitiligo! lol

  • It's rather crazy.  I knew I had a little on my leg and what not, but definitely not the extent I have and my face?  Oh my.  I knew it had spread around my eyes, but not both of them and it's so bad.  I need to be better about SPF, too.

  • Yes! I posted something very similar a few years back!  I too had to use a black light for cat pee and ended up checking out my Vitiligo. I had no idea that there was very small spots all over in places I didn't think my Vitiligo had spread yet. I am not going to lie, it made me really upset.

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