May your tummies be filled with food and drink.
May your hearts be filled with love and friendship.
May your days be blessed with laughter and joy.
This is season to be jolly, fa la la la la falling down...hic-up.
Picture I took up in the mountains last summer.I used an old 110 Pentax with a zoom.
Hey Pat !!
Can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow !!!
When you say - "may your tummies be filled with food and drink"- I bet you mean Vitiligo-friendly food and drinks, right ??!!!!!
Your asking the wrong person about this.I indulge in just about everything bad...cookies,doughnuts,apple pie cheese & chicken enchiladas,cheese burgers,I'm bad : )
Can't remember the last time I saw a rainbow !!!
When you say - "may your tummies be filled with food and drink"- I bet you mean Vitiligo-friendly food and drinks, right ??!!!!!