Gluten Free Diet - Can have !!

I have been eating wheat from childhood so don't think have gluten-allergy ...was googling around and found lot of options are available still ...


When on Gluten Free Diet what we can have:

1) All fresh fruit, All fresh vegetables, Fresh herbs and spices , Dry fruits

2) Vegetable, canola and olive oils, Shortenings, Mayonnaise, Salad dressings

3) Carbs-  rice, potatoes , corn

4) Protein - soybeans , Lentils , pulses like chickpeas , beans etc

5) Gram flour, derived from chickpeas, is also gluten-free ,maize, millet, buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa, semolina.

6) bread - Gluten-free is made with ground flours from a variety of materials such as rice (rice bread), sorghum (sorghum bread), corn (cornbread), or legumes like beans (bean bread)

7) Dairy products like Cottage Cheese , Milk , Egg.


wow this looks a good list :) :)

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  • thanks NJ!  Been looking into doing this too, as I am willing and able to do whatever it takes to control this condition (yes, I know there is not a cure per se, but whatever I can do to keep it under control as much as possible, that is what will happen)....many things on this list were a pleasant surprise to me, ie. cottage cheese, milk, eggs, I love all of those things!!!  I have a slight lactose intolerence ot certain foods, like regular sour cream, cream cheese, etc. the things that taste best to me of course, lol!  Oh well....this is helpful information and thank you for posting it!  I also love all kinds of rice, so this is great!

    • I can understand what u mean...yeah we do crazy things to see if something works...sometimes our own doctor too  ;)

      oh ..avoid as u said like sour cream , yogurt , processed cheese if possible they aren't too good to have...

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