Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead - discussing the documentary

Has anyone else seen the documentary?

Link to watch it: http://www.hulu.com/watch/289122/fat-sick-and-nearly-dead

In this movie, he essential goes on a juice fast, and only consumes the juices of vegetables and fruits, in order to loose weight and get off of all the medication he was taking.  

The intriguing part about the movie wasn't anything he discussed regarding weight loss.  It was how we are subjecting ourselves to Autoimmune Diseases because of the lack of vegetables (and natural vitamins) that we have in our standard over-processed diet.  He cured his A.D. through juicing.

Now I admit, he didn't mention Vitiligo at all....but guess what... the only true fact we know about our disease is that it is an "autoimmune disease". 


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  • I want a juicer! I blend everything like a smoothie right now. There's something about drinking versus eating veggies... I can drink them all day but I can't manage to eat them. 

    I honestly think my vit & my thyroid issues (both autoimmune) were triggered by stress. I don't really believe they can be cured with a healthy diet, but I'm sure they can help stabilize them and help prevent anything else that may go wrong.

    I gotta see the movie. I'm glad it's on Netflix too :)

    • I'm getting tested for thyroid soon.

    • If you are going to get a juicer, get the best...and they will last a lifetime. First thing to decide is if you want a Centrifugal (high speed spinning) or Masticating (slow grind and squeeze). Here are the top two (both around $300)  Do your research and check out some comparisons on youtube.   

      Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

      Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor
      by HWI/Breville USA

      Price: $299.95

      Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer, Black and Chrome Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer, Black a...
      by Omega Juicers

      Price: $299.95

      I chose the Omega Juicer because it came with a 15 year warrenty.  I also got it direct from the manufacturer with free shipping. But aside from juicing, this machine does so much more:I have a dehydrator and use it to grind and make my own spices and seasonings - it grinds coffee beans too.  My kids love it because of the sorbet, which basically replaced buying ice cream (just drop in frozen fruit). I've made nut butters (so far just peanut and almond). And one day, I will try their recipe to make homemade spaghetti, linguini, and breadsticks. 

      Jeez...I should apply for a job with Omega!!

      • Sounds great. I may have to expand out eventually. I have a Breville Juice Fountain -a high speed spinning one. It is more than I have time for right now. Sounds like you have found or come up with some great ideas for using it. I'll be wanting to pick your brain more in the future. Thanks

    • I have a Breville. It is pretty stury and not to difficult to clean. That being  said juicing is not for the domestically challenged - it makes a mess :). I will have a break from my non-stop work in a few days during which I intend to put it to work and explore a few new recipes...and chill out some too...stress is definitely a culprit! I think I'll watch the movie again too - it was motivating :)

  • Hi Jeff! I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead about 3 months ago, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I have only recently been diagnosed with Vitiligo. The documentary-movie (?) was very interesting and motivating, especially the last half that focuses on the morbidily obese truck driver who suffered from the same illness (don't recall what it was). I have a juicer, I would like to use it more.  However,  I do try to make a few days worth at once and take it as a supplement to my meals. I don't eat a lot of processed foods to begin with but I have wondered if some food allergies might be contributing to my vitiligo (among other things). I would like to learn more about that in the future...

    • Hey Joseph!  Did you ever think of doing the 10 day fast (they actually call it a reboot)?  Also, keep in mind that juice looses its nutrients as it sits and oxidizes.  So, even though you are getting good nutrition by juicing, you are not getting the whole effect if you juiced and then immediately drank it.  (But I know cleaning the machine can be a pain...)

      Personally I don't eat a lot of processed foods outside of bread...BUT I don't eat enough RAW vegetables either, I used to cook everything.

      • I would like to try it but I am not sure it would be good for me. I have a very stressful job and complicated family situation right now. No doubt the stress is triggering my vit.

         As for sitting and loosing nutrients - yes, I usually use everything in a few days max - but WOW even 3 days later it makes you ZING! As for a reboot, hmmm not sure it would be good right now for me. I have some very low-level hypertension I take meds for and not eating solid foods makes me feel  weak. I have done weekend juice fasts in the past (had more time and a younger body) and I always felt great afterwards, However,  I used to live in Houston and had a lot of friends and nieghbors from Mexico - hard to juice and hang around those guys. They were always, always feeding me! (I miss that!)

        • So...to cure Vitiligo, we need to get a nutritionist, dermatologist, and stress therapist in one room.

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