My daughter is 16 and she was diagnosed with vitiligo about 2 years ago.  It is on her face... including the area around her left eye.  I would say about a year after we first saw the loss in pigmentation, the inner part of her eyebrow started turning white and then maybe another 6 months after that her eyelashes started turning white (it looks like eventually all eyelashes on left eye will be white).  She is very fair, so her vit is barely noticable, especially in the winter.  But her eyebrows and eyelashes are brown, so she is looking to do something about them.  I was thinking to just use a regular hair dye for the eyebrows (only small section on eyebrow is white) but dont know if thats a good idea and have no clue what to do about eyelashes...  I would greatly appreciate any feedback regarding either or both.  thanks so much :)

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  • I have some white in my beard do to my Vit., I was going to use Just For Men hair dye but it said not to use on Vitiligo. I know a couple of people on here have used it and they said they had no problems. I would wait to hear from someone on here and their expierences or ask your Dermatologist. Good luck!

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