Exposure to toxins

Was anyone exposed to toxins prior to getting vitiligo?  Examples such as fertilizer on farms, lice removal lotions, hair dyes or even very harsh cleaning products.  It could be prolonged use, or maybe used years prior to being diagonosed with vitiligo.  This could be a trigger for someone pre-disposed to autoimmune diseases.  Just curious.

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  • right before my daughters vitiligo came out... she started wearing invisalign braces.  i have been doing some research and i am beginning to think that she had an alergic reaction to the material the trays are made out of.

  • I was a x-ray technician always fixing x ray machines I was in touch with photographic chemicals and I did my investigation and some developers they used to make them with Hidroquinone  is the important agent in use to make the depigmentation solution, use to kill your pigment in advance cases.  I think was the trigger on my case but in the same time my mom passed away, and I was expose to a killer sun during the summer so its hard to tell. 

  • i was exposed to massive amounts of printer toner after which vitiligo started

    • Me too !
    • thats funny, i heard that from someone else too

  • Around when I first got vitiligo.. I started coloring my hair (did highlights for a few years) But now I never color it and haven't in many years, I also was getting  floride treatments at the dentist around then too..(now I realize how bad floride is!) I think they made me do it for a couple years to prevent cavities and said it was good for my teeth..what lies! Also, I think the main thing that caused mine was immunizations..I recently got a list from my doctor of all the dates I had immunizations throughout childhood and right before I got vitiligo, I had  3 vaccines! Vaccines are just full of carcinogens, mercury, so many harmful chemicals and weaken your immune system.

    My family was also doing renovations to our house around then too so maybe voc's from paint, carpet chemicals and other chemicals too.

    I also used proactive on my face too but I don't think I started it until after I got vitiligo, but it is possible it made it worse.

    Also, my diet was not that great back then either.

    • Hi Kelly , yes my vitiligo flare ups all tie into dates of vaccinations, big amounts of hair dye and big stressors, and chemical exposures
  • I first noticed my vitiligo in high school, I wasn't coloring my hair at that age, and didnt have any sort of shock/trama in my life,  but I had  a darkroom and was putting my hands in the chemicals all the time, I rarely used the tongs.  That being said, it didn't start on my hands or wrists so I am not sure that would be a cause?

  • I was wondering the same thing.  I work in a hospital and was wondering if I was exposes to a chemical.


    • Dr Karin schallreuter has done more research than most others on vitlilgo. Her research states that patients with vitiligo have excess residual hydrogen peroxide on their skin compared to others, because we have less catalase go break it down and convert to water than other ppl. About a week after i read this I was diagnosed with bladder cancer, which is fundamentally caused by chemical/environmental exposure, in particular chlorines, hair dyes and bleaches, printing ink, diesel fumes, anitbacterials, perfumes, personal hygiene products and cigarette smoke. All of which i have been exposed to regularly the over past 10 years. There are also some interesting studies around "occupational vitligo" clusters and bladder cancer clusters occurring in certain industries exposed to industrial level chemicals namely hairdressers, cleaners, cabinet makers. I am not convinced it was "bad luck" that I got both diseases. I am NOT saying that vitligo patients are at risk of cancers, I am not a scientist, I am just appealing to vitligo friends, do your homework about the chemicals you put in, on, and around you.
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