
  • Hi,

    Years ago I tried the B-Clear Excimer based treatments, having quite a few sessions but sadly this didn't work for me. It may have been because the treatment  focussed on my hands and that is one of the more stubborn areas. I found PUVA and TL01 sessions more useful, seeing positive repigmentation especially on my face but it didn't last after the treatment cycles finished. I do think a lot of this is very much a case of differing results on different individuals-so what works for one person, may not work well for others.


    Good luck with whichever treatment you opt for.




    • Thanks ! waiting to listen others exprience on face too.............


  • Hi! I've been doing the excimer laser treatment for a few months now. Did about 22 treatments from Feb-May of this year and then did another 10 this September (was out of country in between, hence the gap). I think it definitely helped the spots on my face. I'm caucasian, so it's hard to tell if the pigment is back or if the excimer just helped it blend in better. But my dermatologist says that when she hits the spots on my face with a laser now, they don't really light up anymore, a good sign. There was one small spot on my leg that has pigmented back about 50% and another on my waistline that pretty much is gone. Didn't really work at all for my fingertips though. 

    All in all, I'd definitely suggest trying it if your insurance will cover it. The biggest commitment is the time. I just graduated college and now that I'm working full-time, will no longer be able to do the treatments because of my work schedule. 

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