If your treatment or remedy for Vitiligo works fine for you, It does not mean that it will work for everybody, and also there's no telling that it will last, I have had several friends who used everything from ointments,gels and creams to herbal treatments only to find out that the treatment was short lived and they started losing pigment again, the human body is an amazing machine it's self but the chemical make-up of your body may cause some things to work on some people but not work on others and just be careful because there's a lot of people out there who claim that they have the so-called remedy or cure for Vitiligo and they will try to get money out of you, Remember these two famous quotes "There's a sucker born every minute" and " A Fool and his money will soon be parted" just be wise when it comes too chosing a treatment for Vitiligo because there's a lot of people out there who want your hard earned money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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