Name a few good things the disease has led you to do:
I'll start.
1.It made me not judge people by the way they look (most of the time)
2.It made me appreciate that i'm overall healthy and that i dont have a worse disease, i guess?
3.It made interested in natural medicine which lead to me being a Naturopath student.
2) it made me monitor my stress levels and prioritise sleep when I need it!
3) vitiligo led me to counselling which has had a massive positive impact on my life. My beliefs often aren't always fact!
4) I have more compassion for who might stand out in a crowd - not by choice - and I want to get to know them
5) it's a good bs filter, it helps weed superficial ppl out of your life
6) it has led me to explore alternative health perspectives on vitiligo such as naturopathy, Chinese medicine, reiki, quantum healing and metaphysical causes of disease - all have helped me heal physically and mentally more than the Dermos offerings!
7) it's made me focus on other ways to feel good, sexy, fit, develop self confidence and connections with people based on the REAL me and not a fake or hidden version.
8) the body achieves what the mind believes!
your right never show it that way
It has helped me to appreciate my health at all times. I started having viti when I was 6yrs I used to get pissed off and complain about the spots on my legs and arms, as I got older the spots started spreading rapidly and I whispered to myself before was better. The more I complained the more it showed up. Better to be grateful and be happy with all other blessing I have :)
1. It gives me an excuse to avoid being outside (don't want to get sunburnt!)
2. It also gives me an excuse to wear jewelry and stuff (helps distract from the white spots)
3. It helped me come up with a username/nickname that I use for everything now
4. It gives me something to feel unique about
1.It changed the way of observation of everything
2.It certainly affected my career and hampered my overall development as a person
3.It taught me to keep secrets to myself and made me emotionally strong helped me to live in a organised way
It made me glad that I don't have anything more serious and made me realize that my lifestyle is damaging my body.
I have had health problems majority of my life. Countless doctors have warned me of things and have given me medications that I never took. I am in pain often and I only sleep maybe 3 hours a night. I think my vit is here to finally put some sense in to my hard head. PUT YOUR HEALTH FIRST VERONICA!!
Also I take dating and Love for granted. I am a super workaholic and always said I never wanted to get married. I have hurt a lot of really great guys because I'm not the typical girl who dreams of a fairytale (maybe because I didn't feel I was worth it). Since my Vit started, I still have only gotten love and support. True unconditional love and it is amazing! It really made me appreciate a GOOD MAN :-).
So I'm starting now to practice that real beauty; maybe I'll get there someday...
It's led me to have compassion for people's feelings. It's caused me to question everything and to build a foundation of self-love. It's allowed me to connect with others going through the same thing and to provide support and inspiration. It is a reminder that I don't need to be like anyone else. Just me. It has helped me realize that how I feel about it reflects how others see it.
Gave me the motivation to be the person I want myself to be
Strengthen my appreciation for life :)