Eczema and Vitligo

Hey everyone, hope everyone is doing great. I had a question and need some answers if anyone can help me out. Ive had Vitiligo for about almost 4 years now and it pretty much stopped spreading after it appeared but for a long time now ive noticed ive had eczema around my eyes and i was using cortizone to treat it but without noticing a while went by the redness went away but the itchy feeling was still there some days worse then others. So my doctor gave me a cream called Elidel. I looked up the side affects of it and found that its actually pretty bad for your health and skin. Today i just noticed i have some discoloration near my left eye and i don't know if its because of the Eczema or im just being my paranoid self. Does anyone know of a more natural way to get rid of my eczema? Im really hesitat on using this cream now but don't know what to do.

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  • hi Danny....ive had eczema for years and it caused my vitiligo. But the best thing for you to do is to purchase "Maximum Strenght Cortizone-10 ointment....its very mild and no side effects  to worry takes a little longer to heal but its good. stuff.  You can buy it anywhere.

  • Proropic (Tacrolimus) ointment is good for Eczema as well as for Vitiligo (especially on the face). 

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