
  • very sad & dissappointing,,,,,,am feeling sad dear

  • I know how you feel. I had a similar experience-thing is, on some people it does work. I had some work done on my left knee-cap; years ago and was devastated when the ink didn't take...

    I still have minute splodges of colour and every time someone mentions they have a tattoo, I say I do too-but I am the least likely person to have an inking-I'm so reserved! Maybe until a good fix exists, concealing products like Dermablend etc are worth investing in. That's what I use-it takes time and effort, but it helps me face the world.


    • Sorry that it didn`t work for you ...It works for many people..some spots reject the the new pigment but you have to do it again harder and harder it will keep it at last. may be not comfortable on face ,try it on one spot.

      I have tried it on some spots before and it works ,,I don`t dare on face final solution  for the difficult spots will be permanent make up (micro pigmentation).

      For those who is planning this method have to know that vitiligo on the place you want to tatoo should be stable.



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