Dong Quai  (pronounced "Dong guWAY") is one of the most widely used herbs in the World. If Ginseng is known as the “king” of Chinese herbs, Dong Quai is the “queen”. It is commonly used as a potent and effective blood builder.

Used by men and women alike, Dong Quai is super nourishment for the blood. It also helps regulate blood circulation. It is often used by body builders. It is famous as a woman's herb because of its ability to help balance the menstrual cycle, hormones and eliminate anemia. Scientific research demonstrates that Dong Quai regulates uterine function. It has a mild sedative and smoothing effect on nervous disorders and excessive emotional problems. Dong Quai is often used to balance gynecological problems: amenorrhea (no menstruation), infertility, PMS, and menopausal difficulties. Formulas with Dong Quai are extremely effective and are completely safe. It helps regulate the menstrual cycle and prevents degeneration of the reproductive system. It is used in many youth preserving formulas. We also use Dong Quai in our beauty formulas. It has been found to be very beneficial to the complexion by improving circulation in the skin and detoxifying the skin. It is used in formulas that are designed to detoxify the skin and is used to clear blemishes and to treat eczema, rosacea, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, pigment diseases and a host of other skin problems.
Dong Quai is rich in vitamins B 12, folic acid, foinic acid, nicotinic acid and biotin. Dong Quai contains Cobalt, an important mineral that, in conjunction with B 12, enriches the blood. Studies have shown that B 12 without Cobalt loses its hematonic (blood building) effects. Dong Quai not only has demonstrated the ability to generate red blood cells and hemoglobin. For the Chinese Herbalist these qualities also make Dong Quai a key ingredient to any formula that nourishes the hair and the nails.http://

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