Do you ever face Discrimination/Stigma because of Vitiligo?

Dear All, 

i came across few vitiligo patients in last week. They belong to both the genders and i found that many of them had face a Discrimination/ Stigma because of Vitiligo.

i am so surprise to know that and i thought to share with you and also want to get your inputs on it to.

Do you ever feel a Discrimiation/Stigma with you because you have vitiligo?

If yes,

Does it happen with you one time only or more than one time it had happened with you? 

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  • Yes but only by small kids! Hahaha n I can understand they don't even know what's vitiligo so I don't mind!
    But people around me never! Thank god people around me r enough mature
  • I don't know what U mean by discrimination.....official or unofficial?? Yes where the literacy rate is low...there so many myths connected with the vitiligo.and in everyday life face many odd behaviors of the others but now i don't consider it discrimination but ignorance. But there r few incidents which i can't forget, one happened in Cyprus,when immigration officer were so scared of me(although at that time my vitiligo was not so spread) and asked me if i have any contagious disease and asked me to wait out of the room and she will complete my documents herself. the most common is when shake hand with others and some ppl rub their hand or fingers after as something sticks....these r common discriminations or odd behavior i face.

    • i do agree with you,, Today i had talked with around 60 people between age range of 16- 36 and majority of people did said that they do have such experience. 

      Don't you think , we should consider this a  human right violation?

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