Discovery Channel News: Electricity Heals the Body

So besides homeopathy, I've been researching extensively into other forms of alternative medicine. I came across this video by Discovery channel titled "Electricity Helps Heal Wounds". It explains the science behind the body's electrical field and how it relates to healing.

"It might sound like a late night infomercial, but scientists have created a device that heals wounds using electricity! Trace shows us what happens on the cellular level when we use electricity to repair our broken bodies"

I ordered this device, the High Frequency Machine (also known as the Violet Ray), which was invented by Nikola Tesla, the famous scientist, engineer, and overall genius, and have been using it 2 times a day on my skin freckles and brown spots. These devices were really popular in the early 1900s, and used by doctors all over the world. If I see any difference I'll be sure to post it here.

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  • The high frequency machine seems to have made some of the pigmented spots darker and larger. I see the change on areas where I used it. I'm trying to depigment so this is not what I want.

    I've decided not to use it anymore, not for the hyperpigmentation anyway.

    I'm not sure if this can help with vitiligo, as it seems to just have increased the melanin that was already there, but I thought I should mention it here.

  • Never heard of that, please keep us posted.

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