Diet and vitiligo

ARe there any foods that should be avoided or eaten to keep the vit stable?  so people claim that spinach (there is a youtube video on it) and green juices minimizes the spots or their appearance.

Any taking any herbs or spices like tumeric and found that they are either helpful or harmful.  I don't know if there have been previous discussions on this.

I definitely feel that diet plays some role in disease or disorder.  Of course the use of processed should be avoided for all conditions.

Any fruits or veggies that should be avoided or that trigger more white pages.  I have seen YT video by Dr. Shah that says to avoid sour, acidic foods (tomatoes) and fish.  What are your thoughts on this.

coconut oil is currently a hot item.  Do you think it is beneficial to vit patients?

What about Tumeric?

How about juciing and raw foods like veggies and fruits.  Carrots are supposed to good

What are your thoughts on keeping the body alkaline?  Modern medicine does not stress the role of food and nutrition in the disease process.  Has anybody done any of the juice fast/ cleanse?

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