Depigmentation with Monobenzone



I'm Lei.  I've had vitiligo for probably about 18 years.  I would say I’m probably about 60% depigmented.    After my last visit to my dermatologist (and after assessing all of my options) I decided to attempt full depigmentation.  I was able to get prescription for monobenzone.  I plan on starting the process for depigmentation in the next day or two.


Has anyone attempted depigmentation using monobenzone (or any chemical process)?  I'd appreciate any information/suggestions/comments/feedback you can provide.  I plan on documenting this process as best i can.  And if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask.


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  • Hi, all -

    Yes, I depigmented back in 2008, and I'm still depigmented 10 years later. Good luck to all who decide to go this route.

    • Hi Jackie.

      Thanks for the reply.  4 years later and I'm still depigmented as well.  There are a few freckles of pigmentation left across my body.  And my back is a shade more pigmented than the rest of my body, but only because it's an area that is harder to reach.  Have a great day!

      • Thanks for the reply, Lei.  I'm so glad for you.  As you know, it's fairly easy to get rid of the recalcitrant pigment.

        Wishing you continued success,


  • hi lei,

    I was skeptical at first to be depigmented..10 yrs. of personal agony w/ no possible cure ,I decided to undergo depigmentation.i started last july 2013,since I only have 30% vit.,know it would take me a while face is depigmenting so fast & now at least I look normal again that I don't have to apply spray make-up..buttom line is "there's no cure ",I wish had known it earlier..goodluck to you..

    • Joy,

      Thanks for the reply.  I actually started using yesterday.  I have to apply twice a day.  My face is depigmented around my eyes, nose and mouth.  My hands & feet are depigmented. I'm fully depigmented from the top of both thighs down to my knees and my chest.  The only pigmented areas left are my neck, shoulders, stomach, parts of my back, parts of my arms, my legs (from my knees down to my ankles) and the rest of my face.  I haven't noticed any areas change since I've started using but its only been about 24 hours so I don't expect to see a change for a while.

      What do you use to depigment?  Good luck to you as well!

      • hi.

        I'm using 30% monobenzone since the 20% did not work that much ..goodluck to you too..

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