Depigmentation Prolonged Redness

I just wanted to know whether the Redness induced by monobenzone is permanent or not. I have been using 20 % Monobenozne cream from an online pharmacy for about 3 months iam very happy with the results but the depigmented skin is very red. i wonder if thats just a temporary side effect of monobenzone or not. The pharmacy claims that the cream also contains salicylic acid and azelaic acid, is that might be the cause of redness. any suggestions.

this is the site from where i have purchased my monobnezone cream  has any body tried this cream before??

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  • Hey Ritu actually i got my cream from Radiant Labs which is at
    Actually i had Universal Vitiligo so there were large proportion of vitiligo that i have to cover up hence i chose this cream. I got  100g of 20% Monobenzone Cream at Rs.800 which was prety cheap then benoquin cream.

  • hi ashu g i am pune i have 70% of vitiligo i want to go for this since i have wheatish complexion can u plz tell me its adress and whats the price of this cream? my id is
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