Depigmentation - Is it right for me?

Considering the genetic nature of my vitiligo, I am considering depigmentation, instead of repigmentation treatments. Any ideas/opinions/advice on this?" My vitiligo is widespread, and I've had it for close to 20 years now. It continues to spread every year, and I'm thinking bleaching would only speed up the inevitable and make my skin more uniform than if I just let the vit spread naturally.

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  • I think its a great idea. I'm doin it now. I feel more normal now than ever and people always compliment me on my ivory skin :)
    • Thanks for the responses! I'm curious about a couple of things.... how exactly is it done? Does it depigment only the skin, or would it  cause my hair/lips/eyebrows to lose pigment too? tried a little research but couldn't find an exact answer.

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