Depigmentation caution

I spent a great deal of time researching depig meds and was, after consulting with a dermatologist, prescribed Benoquin. After applying it to my hands for 4 weeks, red sores and blistering occured which were both unsightly and painful. I suspended the use of this product. Be careful what you use.

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  • I am on depigmentation now . I have had  very bad allergic reaction when I started with a 20% monobenzone  cream ( 20% is the starting concentration suggested ).  I have tried having anti histamine to cut on the allergy but in vain. Then I did a lot of research and found on one place suggesting to start with 1% in such case so I reduced the concentration to 1% and started again ; again I was getting rashes ; not to the old level. In two weeks or so I was tolerating fine and then I went  to 5% ; similar reaction but held on ; had anti histamine when it was quite bad. From there I went to 10 ; then to 20 and currently on 25%; planning to go for 30%  from next month onwards.

     I am a happy person now. I had felt like that I have reached the end of my journey but then came like as divine intervention in the form a person who had done depig. Opportunity to meet him in  person was the one of the best things happened to me during my vit journey. My depig decision  is changing my life; giving me hope ; I am living again.

    Everybody’s case is different; You don’t just depend on your doctors only. We live in a modern era where information is available for free; education is possible at any age. Doctors are not Gods; they had received education and that is why are docs. We can do the same and make our own decisions and take control of our lives.


    Bottom line ; Nothing comes free in our life. We have to take charge and ready to suffer sometimes. Good luck everybody

    • hi.

      you just don't how grateful i am to know your journey towards depigmentation.honestly ,i am undecided for years ,hoping for a "real" treatment but invain too.i really think that depigmentation is my last hope to be normal again,i would take your input & discuss w/ my dermatologist.


      thank you & pls. keep me posted.

      • Hi Joy


        Depig worked for me and is working; still a long way to go.   You have to make that choice; it is your decision and shouldn't be under any influence from anybody. It is a one way traffic and no coming back just like MJ.

        We have a facebook club ( private ) for people with VIT going through Depig.   Send me   your Facebook account details so that I can add you there; if you wish.


  • My dermatologist suggested monobenzone as something more than the hydroquinone 4% he prescribed. However, his experience is limited with depigmentation treatment. He urged me to research treatments by contacting support groups. Vitiligo Friends is an important resource. Thank you!

  • Through my dermatologist
    • i live here ny,usa.i know only yale university offers depigmentation .still undecided whether i'll go for it.still hoping for cure to maintain my normal brown skin..thanks for info..take care

  • hi .

    this is actually what i'm thinking  as an option.tried everything & invain.spoke w/ few who did it & they are happy w/ the outcome.thanks for the info.where did you have the tx. prescribed?




  • Hi,


    Thanks for sharing this, Mike.



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