Cyanocobalamin vs Methylcobalamin

I'm talking about B-12 Vitamins. 

I just started doing research, and found out the B-12 suppliment I am taking contains cyanide!  Has anyone done any research on this?  What B-12 do you take?

Not sure where to go from here, I found this supplier:

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  • methylcobalamin go to check my blog there more good information

  • Yeah just reading posts on here, I am taking the following:

    Folic acid


    Multi V

    Ginko bilboa 

    I haven't had much of a positive impact yet but we'll see 

  • I weNt to the dr today and having to do b 12 injections. I read a little bit about it online and saw that it should be pretty good for your skin and I'm excited about that! I take a truck load of vitamins every day and when I have my blood work done, I'm still always low in iron, vitamin d, calcium and now b 12. I haven't always had the best of summer but this one has been my best as far as not getting a severe sunburn that got infected and turned into impetigo. And yesterday I stayed in the pool for two hours after I soaked in a bottle of sun screen:)). I'm eager to know more about the b12 stuff. I've been doing Thr sublingual for four months and it's like eating candy...
    • Did your doctor tell you which vitamins to take? Please, the next time you get an injection, find out what their profession opinion is regarding the different types of B-12.

      I didn't see Folic acid on your list, are you taking that too? 

      • Yes I do take folic acid as well.
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