Changes in diet works -

Dear friends..

Please read this... the famed site on how a family cured a girl's vitiligo - I have not bought the book.. This link set me on a journey to find alternative ways to heal myself... mainly Ayurveda, which treats you by your body type..

Changes in your diet works to contain your issue - I am seen the benefits and am now trying to stick to a mainly vegetarian diet without very little or no sour, citric food, pickles and eat only few pieces of meat to contain my cravings for non-veg :)

Let us give each other strength and heal.. also the reason I think I found this forum... Pls dont give up..

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  • Hopefully this works!! and where can i get this  ayurveda?

    • try your local directories, then double check the practitioners background... research his college on net - good ones in India are Kottakal, Santhigiri and here is a list of approved colleges by Indian government for alternative medicine

      make dietary changes anyways - No citrus fruits or sour stuff - like vinegar, pickles, tamarinds.. I eat few pieces of meat, little fish, duck and pork since they are cooling meats in small quantities, according to the doc..

      also started making using curries using soya chunks. also look up psoralen rich food and herbs such as babichi, manjhista and such... chick peas are also good...

    • ayurveda z there in india.....


      • There is no any scientific prove saying  some  diet can trigs vitiligo, I my self and many vities has tried different diet remedies ..nothing help for all  … It helps to avoid food if you are allergy to it, sometimes vitiligo can be stable even repigment by it self, The best moment  I repigmented successfully   many years ago was the time I add more type and was eating variety of foods. lately I tried every thing ..nothing help…. There is no one who can proff that adding and avoiding some foods affect there vitiligo. Some say that they  avoid something and repig , but they couldn`t proff it adding that food can trigs there vit again and vice versa.

        Avoid foods only if you are allege to it, don`t  create unnecessary stress by avoiding food that you love.

        Don`t over overdo any ting..stay healthy moderate and variety .

        If you listen what different Ayourvedians say you will end up eating nothing…most recommend you to be vegetarian ,actually it is more vegetarians who develop vitiligo.   


        • Hi Bamsegutt

          Perhaps you have not read the link I put up on Emily's vitiligo.. They did not follow Ayurveda.. they followed a diet and kept changing it..

          Secondly, please do not add to the brigade of scientific proof - it is a well-known fact that the antibiotics that have been scientifically proven to cure many illnesses have resulted in mutations of viruses and newer probs later.

          The only one who have benefited from these "scientific trials" were pharma companies.. All of us here are proof of that - no cure still in scientifically proven drugs so far for vitiligo.. I am not saying that all allopathic medicine is bad - i do take antibiotics once in a year or two for a very bad flu but have found that a healthy diet is a better option in preventing illness all year around...

          Ayurveda has been around Indian for centuries and does heal. But is it painstaking.. In my opinion, from what I have seen as a vitiligo patient, the skin problem does not cause any itching or discomfort.

          As a result of which, those who try to follow diet restrictions slip because there is no other physical discomfort in vitiligo. I have done that. I also stopped medicine and hoped it would repigment... sadly it spread to more areas and slowly over the years.. I do not wish to go down that road again..

          Ayurveda does not have the same cure for everyone - it divides people into 7 body types and each one is treated according to their body type. My doc might not prescribe the same medicine for you since in Ayurveda, they do not believe in one size fits all..

          I met few people last year with my problem - only one was vegetarian. all the rest ate normal food and varied food like me and three had given up completely on all medication.. they were of different nationalities. One was a pharmacist and a very sad person...

          while it is difficult to follow a diet after years of being carnivorous :P, I would definitely like to give it a try. I feel better when I see pink tinges on my skin.. and if my journey helps even one other person in this group, it is worth it..

          coz I am tired of people saying there is no cure.. I want to see if I can get cured..

  • Hi so your only eating vegetables and havé less Am I correct ?
    • Mostly veggies and pulses... No citrus fruits or sour stuff - like vinegar, pickles, tamarinds.. I eat few pieces of meat, little fish, duck and pork since they are cooling meats in small quantities, according to the doc..

      also started making using curries using soya chunks. also look up psoralen rich food and herbs such as babichi, manjhista and such...

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