Can we heal ourselves by how we think?

I am reading this incredible book called "Dying To Be Me" by Anita Moorjani. She talks about her Near Death Experience NDE.  Her body was ravaged by cancer which she feels was caused by lifes events and what she herself put her own self through.  During her last hours she was in a coma and this is where she experienced her NDE.  When she came back from this other physical realm, she started to heal immediately within days.  She says that we all have the ability to heal ourselves.  I am not finished reading, but its interesting.  What if we could heal ourselves by changing our thinking.  I know there are alot of books out there like this.  However, Her case is well documented by doctors.  Miracles happen.  Just my opinion.  I am willing to try just about anything to get cured from Vit. Whats your Opinion?

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  • I believe in being able to use our minds to heal our bodies....but I also feel that getting to that state of mind is a skill that 99% of us will never be able to accomplish.

    • It definitely is a skill.  And its difficult to get there when there are so many negatives in the world.  We all want to live fearless, worriless and postive lives.  I have read stories of people healing themselves... but how.  I wish there was a course I could take... :)

      Thanks for replying



      • Thanks for informing us abt the book......the first step I believe b4 u use your mind for anything by yourself is to let it rest.....have you done Meditation.....then once the mind is at rest we cld attempt other uses.....i am struggling with this at the moment....once again tks for the sharing......

        • I am struggling with this myself too.

        • Im not saying this to be negative , yes there are many theories about the power of mind ..which help in other diseases/conditions ..yes we can stabilize our vitiligo by thinking positive but we can’t cure it so easily unless we add some real treatments...Vitiligo is mysteries and complex it needs to be stimulated by UV you have to suppress you immune and add more cells in order to repigment it requires a hard work but it is possible to be treated and control it  even possible to be cured for a moment if vit is first stable.




          • I agree with you. thanks for writing.

  • Not sure if it can be cured, other things can be, certainly stress and anxiety can be dealt with via the mind. Certain skin conditions such as eczema acne etc respond well to hypnosis, you could try that. If you do see a hypnotist try and see one with prior experience with treating medical referrals for skin conditions. 

    • Thank you for your comment.  I am not sure about hypnosis.  No one has ever been able to do it before.

      I have the type of mind that seems to never rest.  I am just going to try to learn to relax more and love myself more.  We will see.  I am also trying different things that I have never tried before.  I know they will probably be temporary.  But thats ok too


      • If you're unsure about hypnosis I can put you in touch with people in america who are hypnotists and might hypnotise you for free. If they can hypnotise you (for free) then great, its an easy avenue to fast results, if they cant then at least you've ruled out that avenue. As to the power of hypnosis, I've managed to re-pigment my face using hypnosis so i know it might work, I say might since a sample of one isn't a scientific trial and vitiligo has been known to spontaneously re-pigment.

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