Breast reduction and its effects on vitiligo???

Will a breast reduction cause my vitiligo to spread? I have had vitiligo for almost 3 yrs and the depigmentation is currently only on my breasts. I have asked my ps and 2 derms but none of them could give me an answer. Anybody please respond....thanks in advance.

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  • I should say that I have had a breast augmentation and did not get any new vitiligo at the site of the surgery.
    • Chrissy thanks for giving me a ray of hope!!!!
  • I would say at the location of the surgery...
  • I think any kind of irritation to the skin may activate I would say that there is a risk that the scarring of the skin cause a vitiligo "attack".
    • In new areas or at the location of the surgery? Thanks SO much for your response!
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