Black tea self tanner

I haven't tried this myself yet but it's a cheap enough idea I figured I'd share it: I've hear some really good reviews about using BLACK tea as a self tanner. Boil 2 cups water then steep about 10 bags of black tea. Once it's cool enough, use a spray bottle or sponge to apply. You must let it dry completely before applying another coat or clothes. Worth a shot! : )

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  • I think Space Aliens can remove vitiligo but its so hard to get them to land in my back yard. Seriously I tried every thing

    under the sun and wasted so much time being self conscious of my patches. You have to just say its me and no one else

    has this and realize the uniqueness in it. I know its easy to say, but you know its true. It will become clear one day that it

    matters way more to you than it does to anyone else. Think about it when you see someone else with it you look at the

    person not the vitiligo am I right?

  • I'll try anything once...Sometimes twice-just in case I got it wrong the first time-eternal optimist that I am...


    Thanks for the tip Ashley. x

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