Beginning Excimer Laser Treatment

Hi everyone,

Thought I'd start a post on this site to detail the excimer laser treatments I'm starting. I'm a 22 year old male from the midwest who has had vitiligo since my early teens. My face is the most affected, with lesions on my eyelids and under my eyes, and a lesion down around my mouth. I also have small dime sized lesions basically everywhere else on my body, but no areas that have extensive amounts of vitiligo (yet...knock on wood). To complicate matters, I also have very mild psoriasis on my elbows and my right shin. After talking with my dermatologist and getting pre-approved by my health insurance, I have decided to start excimer laser treatments 2-3 times a week to treat both the vitiligo and psoriasis. I know that I looked to this forum for results that anyone had during excimer laser treatment, so I thought it would help if I updated you guys on how mine is going. Let me know if you have any questions, and cross your fingers that this helps!


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  • Alex wishing you the very best of luck with this, and so happy to hear your insurance will cover it!  :)  This is FAR from a simple "cosmetic" issue, which is what a lot of insurance providers will say and thus refuse to cover it (I worked in the insurance industry for many, many years and was constantly astounded by what would NOT be covered by them)... I believe it is truly a from the "inside out" disease/condition that just happens to appear on our skin as one of many "symptoms"...but due to an internal issue or issues...I also believe it causes a LOT of emotional distress to those of us having to live with it, and nobody but a fellow "vit" can really and truly understand what that is like on a day to day basis....hugs and prayers, please keep us updated!!!  :)

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