Bare Escentials

Hi there, I went to Bare Escentials today and let them experiment trying to hide the vitiligo on my neck. It covered pretty well and I purchased several things. I'll be mixing concealer and foundation and applying it with a brush and then sealing it with a powder. It is an option for a woman as you can kind of tell you have make up on. At a glance I don't think anyone would notice the vitiligo. It is starting on my face and I wanted to find something that would cover it. I have tried Derma Blend but I didn't feel it covered very well. Also I ordered a little bottle of some kind of dye that is FDA approved, I don't have it yet. You can apply layers until you get the darkness desired, of course it only lasts a few days. Anyone have much experience with Bare Escentials?

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  • Hi Tawny, I hope it works for you. I'm sure it will help. Take care

  • Hey Barbara-

    This sounds great! I can't believe I didn't think of this actually. I have spots on my shins that I wanna cover, so I think I will head over to the Bare Escentuals store and have them work their magic on me too, LOL. 

    Thanks for the tip! ;)

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