At home light therapy vs. in office

using handheld NB UVB unit for daughter's vit.  Had great response to excimer laser,  some of the color has faded, and  is unwilling to travel 2 hrs for a 5 min. appt.  Also been using Elidel.  Any input from people who had success with light therapy in office then switching to at home?

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  • I had much better luck with my home unit rather than the big stand up machine in the dr. office. They gave me a pill (which always made me nausuous,) then I'd wait in the waiting room for sometimes up to an hour depending on who was in the machine, then had to wear these giant sunglasses for the rest of the day because the pill can do something or other to your vision, and all for no results.  I gave up until I decided to try the home machine.  But now that I think of it, the lights weren't UVB.  That is where I noticed a change, using the UVB light at home.  Far easier, quicker and no pills to take, saying that it really isn't too qucik because it is a handheld wand type of bulb and I have a lot of area to cover, lol.  But at least I can watch tv while doing it.

  • home machines with daavlin depend upon the output of the lamp, works well in some cases,however you cannot replace a doctor with this as treatment as with passage of time the output from the lamp will reduce and may fail to deliver results

    there can be flare ups in your vitiligo which may need additional treatment from your doctor

    do give it a try though,hope it works out 


    dr vivek 

  • Where do you get a unit?  I'm getting xcimer treatments and am getting tired of the drive also.  Plus, it's hard to leave my toddler! Thanks!

    PS What is Elidel? Is it a steroid?

    • we ended up purchasing a hand held Dermalume 2x from National Biological.  Our doctor approved a handheld and wrote a prescription.  My daughter has very limited body involvement, and a large panel, or full body panel was too much exposure in our Dr.'s opinion.  He did however state that if things progressed rapidly, that may be an option.  The people at National Biological and UV Biotek were very good to answer my questions.  We are hopeful.  I was told that if she responded to light treatment (in our case excimer) she would continue to respond.  She also has great re-pigmentation in the natural sunlight during our summer months.  We have worked up to about 40 sec on the vitiligo on her trunk and leg, and there has been a slight reddening at that exposure.  We started at 23 seconds.  I use a towel with an oval cut out of it, so only the vitiligo spot is treated.  I did a lot of reading, calling, and had an extensive Dr. visit before going this route.

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