Are you treated any differently?

I'm just wondering how the public "reacts" to your vitiligo?  I really haven't had anyone say anything to me about it; they'll just act like its not there, but I'm sure they're wondering what it is.  I will usually make a comment about it so they will stop thinking about it, and that generally works.  I wish people would just ask instead of pretending its not there, but I haven't gotten any disrespectful comments.

I have had girls my age or younger than me look at me funny, or not want to talk to me; but I could honestly give a rat's ass.  I probably wouldn't be friends with them anyway.  Men still try to get to know me and ask me out so that's not a big deal.

So I'm just curious -- has anyone said anything outrageous to you about your vit?

* I also have it all over my face, neck and chest which I have chosen not to cover up.


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  • @Eileen...I am the same way.  I would rather people ask me whats wrong than say nothing and I'll usually bring it up in casual conversation.  I am learning to live with it.  I don't wear makeup to cover it on my face because it feels thick like cake icing lol ( I have dermablend ).  I still wear powder and some foundation but just to make my vit more even.  I'm not trying to hide.  Like I said to Karen...if you don't like it, F U!

  • @Karen...I agree with you about kids not knowing any better if their parents are ignorant.  From your pics I think I have more vit on my face than you, but people haven't been disrespectful to me...when I am out people are friendly and kind, the people I work with are nice...I am sure they wonder, but I have explained to them whats "wrong" with me and they don't treat me any differently.  I've learned the more you try to hide something the more it stands out, so yes it is unfortunate, but hey if you don't like my face leave me the hell alone...

    Vit hasn't affected my dating life either...if anything it seems I get approached more now, which is weird.  I don't know what's going on...and I have vit all over my face and not small patches that you can cover up.  I have huge patches on my face, neck, torso, back, hands and arms and I don't cover that up either.  I am sorry to hear that people in Ohio are rude to you.  I don't live too far from you and I am a nursing student as well so if you ever want to meet up and chat I am all for it!

  • I live in euclid, Oh and most of the people in Ohio are generally rude. I am a nursing assistant and I am going to school for nursing and people are constantly rude, disrespectful and ignorant. I would get people that would just stare, whispering, people asking what is that sore on you or why I look like that? (sarcastically) I get people who do not want to shake my hands because they think they might catch it, even just saying hello is even worse. I am belittled because of my vitiligo. Sometimes you get people that are nice upfront and when they are around other people they act like they don't know you. It is just so sad people do not ask questions and find out what you have before judging you. How can kids know any better if adults do not set an example.
  • I've had Vit since I was very little, about grade 4 is when it started so I've always had weird stares, both curious ones, from people who were ignorant about the condition, and from people who seemed disgusted and uncomfortable and judgemental. Regardless, in my adulthood I have had kids come up to me, for example if i'm at the steam room or indoor pool or whatnot ( I used to swim regularily) ask me "Oh what's that on your knees (or where-ever I have the Vit)?" And I would crack a joke depending on their age and maturity... I personally look at it like this - I give people the benefit of the doubt about them just being ignorant and curious about it. I mean it's not like they have to live with it, lol. I would say that when i was younger I suffered the most ridicule and discomfort, I've sort of grown into my own skin, haha.. I too have it on my face, hands, elbows, knees...feet, and other places that are usually covered up.. so it's not like I try to hide it. Now a days since most people that come across me notice it, but because I don't act alienated by my vitiligo, they also feel comfortable with it.

    Keep strong, not that you need me to remind you. :-)

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