Anyone and Everyone PLEASE Help me with my Article

Hello Everyone!

My name is Naomi Ogaldez. I am a Staff Reporter at El Nuevo Sol, which is an online bilingual newspaper at California State University, Northridge. I am writing a research article and a news package on vitiligo in the Latino community. My inspiration for wanting to write this piece was one of my mom's friends named Ilda who has vitiligo. 

I met her shortly after my dad had abandoned my household when I was 6 years old. I remember she was one of the few people in my church that would comfort me in that devastating time growing up. When people found out about my dad, they would reject me and say many hurtful remarks that I will never forget. 

What really made me admire her was her love. Despite being humbled and despised by most of the people in the church because of her vitiligo, she still would serve the community and help those in need like me. It would get me mad watching how people would treat the both of us, but especially her. I dealt with the negativity that everyone would say to me because I didn't have a dad, but I couldn't stand to see how they treated her. I would always try my best to defend my beloved friend. I felt that I wasn't doing enough to help her. I knew I wanted to do something about it when I grew older.

Now I feel that I have the capability of making a bigger impact than before. So I decided I wanted to write about vitiligo. Since I am writing it for El Nuevo Sol, I have to make the focus be towards the Latino community because that’s our audience. 

With this article, I wanted to bring awareness about vitiligo, correct a ton of misconceptions about it, get different perspectives of people who have it, and impact my community in a positive way. 

What I need help with:

-I need to interview a Latino that has vitiligo that would love to share their story with me on camera for my news package.

-I have to interview a Dermatologist or a Researcher that would like to tell me about the theories they believe that causes vitiligo and how they have seen it affect the Latino community.

-I have to interview a health insurance company representative because I also want to talk about how insurance companies deal with vitiligo patience. What are the limits for coverage and if they accept any type of vitiligo.

If you may know of someone that would let me interview them or you yourself would love to, please let me know!

I live in Northridge, California so if anyone lives around this area and would love to get interviewed on camera please email me at or comment on this forum.

If worst comes to worst, I can do a skype interview, but I would prefer to film in person.

Also, if their is any information that you believe I should include or proper terms about vitiligo, please let me know. 

Thanks for all the help!               

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  • Hi. My name is Alejandra. I am 18 years old. I have had vitiligo since I was 3 years old. I would love to tell you my experiences while haveing vitiligo but, I live in Puerto Rico. We can chat or like you said, do a skype interview. Last year I realized, like you, that I could help people with vitiligo here in Puerto Rico. I created a support group called Chicas con Vitiligo en PR. I have a page on Facebook and it would be great if my group would end up on a newspaper in California! Let me know if you want to interview me. Thank you so much. Keep fighting for us! :)

  • I live in Arizona! Mexican-American, teacher, 30 years old, recently diagnosed.  Let me know if you'd like to Skype...Looking forward to reading your end result.  Thank you for bringing awareness to the community...there's not much out there.

  • Hello, I think it would be important to an interview with a psychologist, therapist, etc., As much psychologically affects our self-esteem, our security, even our personal relationships. Good luck with your story ... greetings:)

  •  Hola, yo creo que sería importante una entrevista con un psicólogo, terapeuta, etc., ya que psicológicamente afecta mucho nuestra autoestima, nuestra seguridad, incluso nuestras relaciones personales. Suerte con tu reportaje¡¡¡ saludos… : )

    • sorry I speak and write English only.........anyway to interpret...............

  • You are Great.....I am far far away in Singapore but I really praythat  the Good God Bless you and you could share your knowledge with me, if you discover anything that is helpful. Thanks ......Leucoderma is the other name for this pest....let's hope to annihilate it one day. Bravo, keep it up you are wonderful!

  • Hello, I live in San Diego and see Dr. Pearl Grimes frequently in Los Angeles at the VPI Center. Anything I can help you with please let me know. Dr. Grimes might be a good source of information for your report. She has helped me tremendoulsy and is awesome. My e-mail is and I am Mexican age 35. Thanks anything I can do to help please let me know! God bless you for wanting to bring awareness to our disease!

    Yessenia Martinez

  • I live in LA and I might be able to do a phone interview. Northridge is kinda far for me though.
  • when ever you want you can skype me too!!!

  • I am half Puerto Rican as well :)

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