i think a couple senior members tried ayuvedic medicine?  

pls give feedback?

1) did it work to stop progression, spread of further white patches

2) did it help re-pigment?

3) did it retain the re-pigmentation for a period of time?

4) did you have to make dietary changes?

I was going thru emily's vitligo and it said that in India vitiligo affects 9 to 10  percent of the population.  I'm wondering if they have better treatment.

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  • i saw that .  its called www.vitiligo-treatment.com

    I think its owned by some md.  I googled it before and found that in hyderabad.  However, the medicines seemed ok.  

    the thing is that in india almost 10 percent of the population is affected by vitiligo.  so it is not an uncommon disease there and of course there will be people trying to treat it.

    the million dollar question is are they successful to any degree or not.  otherwise it will yet another useless treatment to subject the vitiligo person with.  

    the problem in india and china is that there no rules or regulations there and they don't disclose ingredients (they don't others setting up shop).  but with these treatments no don't want to make the problem worse by treatment.  honestly i wonder if taking some of the supplements or even vitamins, herbs doesn't send an oversensitive system in PANIC MODE and cause it to attack pigment cells more.

    please if anyone has any experience would greatly appreciate if you could share.

  • Hi Shifa,
    There are a couple people here who have tried unani medicines from India. And they said it stopped the disease progression. They also experienced some repigmentation. There was also an article sometime back about the unani medicine hospital in Hyderabad , India starting clinical trials and also filing for a patent. You will have to google it.
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