
  • Chowdary, I tried his protocol for over six months. Unfortunately, it did not help me. Maybe it works of some. It may be worth a try. The e-book is not expensive and the treatment is not either.  Not much to lose.



  • You can borrow my book if you want it.  Return to me after reading it.

    • Dear Flavio, Can you please share it @

      Appreciate you help

  • Hi!

    I bought it last year. Basically he offers a diet and little natural remedies to help you, but I am not sure that if it is a cure. Moreover, it isn't a remedy to vitiligo, but I think that it is true that this diet can help you. The diet is based on vegetables, no meat or at least very few meat.

    My english isn´t very good, but if you want more details or something in special tell me and I will try to answer as best as possible :-)




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