Am I Nuts?

I recently noticed how bad the vit is on me. It's hard to see since Im already pale but its spreading fast. I grew up around vit all my life as my great-grams, grams and my dad all have it. I have been wondering if treatment is even a good idea. I am not scared of being two shades of white. Its like I have already accepted the disease because it was so preventlent in my life it just came down to when it would appear. With reading all these forums on all these creams and lights to "stop" the vit or to repigment it just seems like such a hassel. It almost makes me not want to seek treament. I've asked people if I should get treated and they jump to saying "yes" but what happens if I dont treat it?  I have enough going on in my life which Im pretty sure all the stress is what started it all but I cant wrap my head around taking all these precaustions to stop something that I've come to love as me.

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  • Your body, your choice. 

  • You have accepted vitiligo as part of your life. So, better not to follow any treatment.

    • how do you get other in your life, the non-vits, to accept this? its harder for me to get other to understand than it is for me to accept that this is who i am.

      • You can tell them that vitiligo is not life threatening! It can not kill you! Tell family and friends that vitiligo really does not bother you at all - and that they need not feel bad / sorry for you. Tell them that you have accepted it as it is - and so should they. I can not imagine any family member or real friend who will be uncomfortable being seen with you in public.

      • I guess you can't get them to understand until they stop feeling uncomfortable about it. You've already put in the work, but they don't realise that it is they who are afraid, not you. If you get treatment then they don't have to look at their own vitiphobia. 

  • Hi Jenna,

    I'd pretty much decided that I wasn't going to go down the treatment route, for all the reasons you outline and more. Acceptance seems to be the hardest part and once you've mastered that the rest is a piece of cake by comparison. The only trouble is just at the point when I thought I'd accepted it, I started to repigment 'spontaneously'. Not that spontaneous as I'd made changes to my diet for reasons other than my vitiligo. So, now I'm on the supplements and caught up in the hope and fear of it all. I'm not sorry that the pigment is reappearing just riding the rollercoaster of emotions that goes with it.That seems to be the nature of the disease and I'm grateful that I can see the funny side of it. Treat it or don't treat it, this thing has a mind of its own.

    • I think its harder for others to accept what has happened to me. others that i know that dont have vit cant understand that i dont want treatment. they keep comparing it to diabetes or cancer like i need treatment to survive to be normal like its some horrific thing that i got to change. just because its something on the outside that the rest of the world can see doesnt mean its something that needs to be stopped to hidden.


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