about me... and you?

Hi everyone,

Im new here so hello! I am 14 years old and I live in essex, England.  Anyway I just wanted to know what have been your lowest points (emotionally) that have been caused by your vitiligo?  Have you ever been bullied/had comments in public about your skin? Have you had trouble to find employment because of your skin? How did you come to accept your vitiligo?

I suppose I have been lucky in the sense that my vitiligo is mainly on my legs so it is easy to cover up (and in Britain we hardly ever have weather warm enough to wear shorts!) So I could cope with having it on my legs. Nobody could see it anyway. However recently I have been getting a few spots on my lower arms and it has been spreading quite quickly which has made me quite upset recently and lowered my self confidence as my vitiligo is going to be quite noticeable now. I dont think my friends have noticed it yet but I have told them about it and they dont care. I have not had comments in public because my vitiligo isnt that noticeable at the moment.

The way I have accepted my vitiligo is by thinking about all those people with life limiting illnesses and cancer- this has helped me realise that there are 100s of things worse than having vitiligo. Vitiligo is not painful or contagious. An advantage of vitiligo is that people love you for who you are and not good looks. I first noticed my vitiligo about 3 years ago when it was summer. I was about to get in the shower when I noticed it. I didnt know what it was and neither did my mum. I just ignored it. I found out what I had last year when I was watching a Jenna Marbles (youtube comedienne) video on youtube.I was on the video how to trick people into thinking you're good looking. She said to always go on a tanning bed and not get a spray tan because "you will look like you have friggin vitiligo or something." This prompted me to do a few internet searches and I came to the conclusion I had vitiligo.  I have been to the doctors for various other things and I have asked about it and the doctors have said it looks like vitiligo.

I am ginger so I have quite pale skin which I used to hate but now I think is a blessing as it makes my vitiligo less noticeable. anyway so thats enough from me, what about you?

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  • Georgia,


    You are a remarkable, intelligent young lady and I have really enjoyed reading your story.


    Whilst I agree you should ask to be referred to a dermatologist for your Vitiligo, I hope you will always remember that there is more to you than having Vitiligo and I hope you will not allow it to prevent you from aiming high in life.


    Best wishes,


    Ish x

  • Ginger, you are young so you should definitely seek getting your vitiligo treated as soon as possible. If it started as you say 3 years ago, then start treatments now so you can live a life without it. I'm 32 and got it ironically around the same time you did. (11 or so) Trust me when I say you don't want to live with this. I'm speaking from my experience when I say vitiligo has destroyed my self image and any chance of having a normal social life. It doesnt have to be the same for you. Many have accepted their vitiligo, and my hats off to them, i guess they are stronger than i am. You have so much to look forward to, dont waste it fretting over how it looks on you.

    As for you question on the lowest point caused by my vitiligo goes,...hmm i think for me its rather dark and maybe best not to say,...kinda like one of those secrets your gonna die with.

    I do agree, though, that it is not painful or contagios or life threating like other horrible illnesses out there,..but you still can not dismiss the psychological impact it has on individuals. It can be just as debilitating.

    Anyway I hope it does not spread anymore and that you try treating it soon. The longer you wait the harder it gets to successfully treat.

    Good luck.

    • Thank you. Do the creams hurt? My vit is on little spots all over both my calves so would this be treatable?  thanks to you i will see if I can speak to a dermatologist. Do the creams stop vit spreading or make it go away? if so how long does treatment take to work?

      • nope creams don't hurt. you get a warm sensation sometimes to the area it has been applied to , but that is all. im sure the small spots would be treatable. I have large patches all over my body..so I have started with my face..large patches on my cheeks, forehead and around my mouth. seems the cream has just repigmented the area..im sure down the track it will respread...im not too sure as ive only just starting using it..im sure time will tell. I hope it doesn't come back, i couldn't believe how cheap the cream is here in Australia - $39.95! other treatments i have used have cost me a fortune!

  • im quite fair as well, so the white spots are noticeable , but not as much as they are in summer..especially if I have had a beach holiday!

    I remember a few years ago, I got so much sun on my face (not the intention) so my face was so patchy, it looked terrible. while on that holiday I went to a theme park and was in massive line...ihad to couples who would constantly turning around to stare at me & make comments...I had to leave the ride line & cry! that was the last time I ever let people bring me down..if people want to start, all the power to them!! from then on...I never let the sun on my face to the extent that its going to burn & tan the areas I don't want tanned...I have become very good at hiding my skin areas that are white!

    I have recently been to my dermatologist and finally have found a cream that it bringing the pigment back on my face(8 weeks in)...I cant believe it. its been 20 years since I have had any improvement! now to move on to the body ;)


  • We wish your vitiligo stop on that place only. And if you careful it is possible to stop this. Pls, talk to a good vitiligo specialist. 

    My vitiligo is on my Lip, hands and feets. Its noticeable but I am trying to adjust with it!

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